Sunday, April 11, 2010

I've got a part in a movie

Actually, I'm just participating in a student project. The basic idea is to build teams of Belarusian and foreign students to do something together that broadens our horizons, and then make something as a result. I got placed into an enthusiastic group with several old friends, and it looks like we're going to have a good time. We were matched with some high-achiever Belarusian girls who don't delegate very well. What this means is that they figured out a movie scenario and wrote a script, and then we just show up and do what they tell us to do. Since this involves travel that our highly-organized chiefs are planning, we think it's just fine.

Today we went to a former capital of Belarus, founded in 985 AD. Our script involved digging a big hole with little shovels. Incidentally I am supposed to be a KGB agent, but a real KGB agent would surely speak better Russian. I think the girls enjoyed getting some of my flubs on camera, and I'm sure they will be enjoyed by others soon enough. Oh well. I may have learned a few new words today, and at least one of them promises to be useful.

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